Apparently I Lived at the Gym this Weekend…

I have a confession to make: I MAY have spent close to eight hours in the gym between yesterday and today. No, it was not some kind of seminar or certification … it was literally classes, workouts and a couple unexpected things that popped up. Not that I’m complaining – I love being in the gym. But I know many of you are reading this wondering, what on EARTH can you possibly spend that much time doing?!?

Sunday mornings, I teach class from 9:30-11:45, and I always try to get there by 9:00 at the latest – just so I have a little time for a 15-20 minute warm-up on my own before class starts (you know, get those endorphins flowing so I’m at my crazy best by the time class kicks off). I’ve been stretched a little thin these last several weeks – I normally teach five classes a week, and during the last three weeks, it’s been more like eight – so I have to fit my weight workouts in when I can. Regardless of how much I’m teaching, I still try to get a good three weight workouts in a week – and with a GORGEOUS dress hanging in my closet, waiting to be worn this weekend (I was invited to the Marine Corps Ball), I have no interest in giving up a weight workout for lack of time. So post-class Sunday it was.

This morning, I had planned to meet one of my Piloxing girls, Kim, at 10:30 to run through some choreography and give her some tips as she prepares to audition to join our XSport Group Exercise staff (YAY!!). So what do I do? Show up at 9:30 (knowing we are planning on running choreography until noon), run 5k and get a little weight work in. Choreography practice went pretty well, and at the end, Kim invited me to join her for her noon training session. Since she invited, I was glad to join in on a little further torture. At about 1:15 (and nearly 1650 calories later), I was finally on  my way home. Totally worth it. No matter how hard of a workout I plan for myself, I always learn something new and push even harder when I have a trainer in my face. And lesson of the day? I really need to figure out the best way to use a foam roller, because HOLY CRAP. Apparently my IT band is insanely tight. And sadly, the one part of my body I thought was probably the tightest (my hamstrings – they’ve just felt locked up lately, and no matter how much I stretch, it seems to do nothing) was the one body part that didn’t cause me to need peeled off of the ceiling.

Here’s the thing: I had not planned to spend this much time working out this weekend (oh, yeah, I taught a class at Sport&Health on Saturday, too, so add in another hour of cardio and a light leg workout, and you have another two and a half hours to my clearly gym-centric long weekend). But the thing is … I know it’s an illness, but I loved every minute of it. I think it’s amazing how quickly the time can pass when you’re doing something you love (okay, not going to lie, the foam roller felt like it was never going to end. And I’m pretty sure the effects of it will hit me tomorrow more so than they already have). I may be pushing hard, and I may be truly working, but whether I’m teaching a class, or running, or lifting, or anything else physical that I decide to torture myself with, I love every single second of it. It’s not work. In fact, it’s a hell of a lot of fun.