Halloween Candy Under 100 Calories [INFOGRAPHIC]

Happy Halloween! Enjoy your day without giving up a treat – just be smart about which one you choose. Click here before you dig into that trick or treat bag! Halloween Candy Under 100 Calories [INFOGRAPHIC].

Don’t Be a “Resolutioner” – Be a Lifer!

So, you’ve made the decision to get fit this year. You’ve told everyone about your resolution, bought some new workout gear, and you’re ready to go.

Or are you?

This is a good question to ponder as you go about starting your new routine. It’s easy to get excited, but for many, that enthusiasm  wears off as time goes on, and what was once your goal for 2014 is now your “eh, maybe next year.”

What can you do to make sure your commitment to get fit turns into a lifestyle, rather than just a passing phase? Here are a few tips to try on for size:

Make a plan. Know your schedule, know your body, and know what you want to accomplish. I’ll never be an early-morning, before work workout person – but I have the discipline to still get to the gym every night. Find the time and place that works for you. It can be a gym, a studio, or that old treadmill in your basement or DVD in your living room, whatever you know you’ll enjoy doing.

Hire a trainer. Or nutritionist. Or both. Depending on your goals, you may need to bring in the expert. Most people (myself included) don’t realize how much they don’t know until they hire a professional. I went to the gym for six years before I hired a trainer … and in six months I saw more results than I did in those six years going it alone.

Share your goal … and stick to it. Peer pressure doesn’t stop in high school. If you really want to change your life this year, don’t your food-pusher family talk you into a doughnut, or your social circle force you to skip a workout. It’s your life, and you decide what you make of it.

Have FUN! Remember when you were a kid and you used to run around the backyard? It was fun, right? It was also exercise. So whatever you choose to do, make it fun, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it.  Find a class, a running group, or a workout partner to look forward to seeing when it’s exercise time.

Diets don’t work. Sporadic exercise doesn’t work. What does? Keeping with your commitment, and embracing a healthy lifestyle. I’m not saying treats are forever off the table (I’ll admit to my own killer sweet tooth), or that you have to live in the gym – but like so many other areas of our lives, it’s a matter of maintaining balance. You get out what you put in. It will not be easy. Some days you may hurt. Some days that cake may not stop screaming your name. You will fall down. But you have to get back up. Hope to still be seeing you around the gym in March!

Halloween Candy Calorie Countdown

Happy Halloween (almost) everyone! Hope you are enjoying the day of tricks and treats. I came across this great graphic that shows exactly what you may be getting (calorie-wise) out of those treats – be aware that those candy calories add up fast! Some of your better options? Choose a “mini” or two – you’ll get the taste, without a huge hit to your hips (or wherever your extra pounds tend to add up).

That said … a little candy won’t hurt you. Just be aware of how much and what quality you choose – there’s a big difference between one ounce of quality dark chocolate and a king size Snickers (do they even still make those?) Enjoy your Halloween!
Candy Calories [infographic]
Via: DegreeSearch.org

Choose Your Chocolate


I have a confession to make: I love chocolate. The good news is, studies have shown that small amounts of chocolate a day are good for you (YAY!) … but you do have to pick the right kind.

Here’s a quick rundown from Prevention on the benefits of chocolate … and why all types are not created equal. Luckily, I have a preference for dark chocolate!




The Complete Guide to Calories

We all know that calories play a big part in the fitness – and not just in losing, gaining or maintaining your weight. It can be a delicate balance; both too much and too little can cause your body to hang on to extra fat (your body can only burn off so much – but at the same time, too few will send you into “starvation mode.”)

I came across this great overview, and wanted to pass it along:


You can check out the original here.

The Great Yogurt Debate: Who Comes Out On Top?

Since Greek yogurt became one of the “it” foods in the nutrition world a few years back, there has been a lot of debate. Which is better? Greek or regular yogurt? Fruit or plain? Full fat or low fat or 2% or non-fat?

Here’s a graphic from Prevention that sums up the benefits of both … and shows that Greek does come out on top:


As a general rule, regardless of if you choose Greek or regular yogurt, pick plain over flavored. The taste may be a little more bitter than you’re used to, but add some fresh fruit, and you’ll get the added benefits of real fruit – minus all the sugar (seriously, take a look at the sugar content of plain vs. flavored – especially those fruit at the bottom varieties. It’s usually at least double – sometimes triple – the sugar content of plain yogurt, regardless of if it’s regular or Greek). My personal favorite, and my breakfast during the week: plain Greek yogurt (a big tub of the non-fat from Trader Joe’s lasts me about five days), blueberries, sliced strawberries, and pomegranate seeds, mixed up with a little cinnamon. If I’m in the mood for a crunch, I’ll add 1/3 cup of Kashi Go-Lean Crunch Honey Almond and Flax. Tasty and healthy start to the day!

One last thought: I’ve heard rumor Icelandic yogurt could be the next one in the line of good-for-you dairy products (though good luck finding it outside of Whole Foods or natural grocers at this stage). Guess we’ll see!

Make Sure Your Snacks Are Healthy … Not “Healthy”

I feel like I’m constantly having the conversation with my parents about foods being actually healthy, or just appearing that way. My dad is usually the main offender – he’ll be convinced something is “healthy” because the front label is screaming “low fat” or “only XX calories.” What I always need to explain is that low fat doesn’t necessarily equal healthy … especially when there is extra sugar and empty carbs used to make up for the taste.

Keep in mind that a little fat is not bad for you – as long as it’s the good kind of fat – and that sugar (often used to replace the fat to keep taste), though naturally fat-free, is like any other calorie – if it doesn’t get used, it will be converted to fat. And let’s be honest … as a society, we eat WAY more sugar than we should (and yes, I’m guilty of that one, too … you’d be AMAZED how quickly you consume more sugar than you should eat in a day). But sugar isn’t the only culprit: there are plenty of chemicals, food dyes, and empty, stripped down carbs that contribute nothing to our diets, but potentially do contribute to our waistlines.

Here are a few things to think about as you’re doing your weekly grocery shopping. Bottom line? Make sure to actually read the entire label to see what you’re actually eating … without the flashy marketing trying to convince you that junk is actually good for you.

